Sunday, August 10, 2008

Whither Must I Wander

Our family vacation this year took us to Arizona. Hubby and I called Arizona home for about 3 years before Kiddo was born. We returned to Texas to live in the summer of 2003 so that we could be back near our friends and family and start a family of our own. Since then, Hubby has been back to visit AZ a few times, but I haven’t had the opportunity to go back until now.

About 6 months ago, in a state of hormonal lunacy, I agreed to go on a vacation that would require driving across the country with an almost 4 year old and a 4 month old baby. What the heck was I thinking??!? We had the fortune of being able to vacation with Hubby’s parents, who graciously offered to book all of us a condo for a week in Flagstaff, AZ (thank goodness for time-share properties!). All we needed to do was get there.

And get there we did. The condo was booked for a Friday to Friday week and we loaded up all our worldly possessions and headed out late Tuesday night. We decided to try to get the majority of the 16+ hour drive out of the way in the night while the kids slept. We left shortly after 8:30PM.

I am so very thankful that Port is turning out to be nothing like his brother with respect to car travel. Kiddo was a nightmare to travel with as an infant – he would last maybe 5 minutes in the car seat before the non-stop scream fest began. In Kiddo’s early months Hubby and I made a couple of trips to the inlaws house, only to arrive 3 ½ hours later haggard, exhausted, and hoarse from singing Old MacDonald fiftybajillion times. We would bring little Kiddo inside, with his face all puffy and red from endless screaming and we’d collapse in a heap wherever we could swearing we weren’t going to do that again.

So needless to say I was a bit nervous about this trip with Port. I knew Kiddo would be ok; easily entertained by the DVD player (God bless the inventor of such a wonderful creation). But Port, my sweet little boy, I was not too sure about. As we were loading up the car Tuesday afternoon and everyone was getting a little punchy, I stopped Hubby in the kitchen for a much needed hug. “This is going to be fun, right?” I asked. So far, it had been nothing short of immensely stressful. Packing for a 12 day trip with almost 6 days of driving was way more than I had bargained for. And trying to keep a curious, excited and cranky pre-schooler happy while juggling a baby and pumping and trying to remember everything we needed to bring for ourselves and two little people was almost maddening.

But we made it out the door on time. And as soon as we were on the road I took on the task of my first in-car pump. Weeeeee!!!

More to come…

D :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi dawn, i read that your kiddo had neonatal lupus when he was born. my 8 month old daughter has neonatal lupus too. our birth stories are some what similar. my little darling still has some spots/depressed areas on her forehead. would like to keep in contact. :)