Monday, August 22, 2011

Something To Talk About

Today is the first day of school! Kiddo started first grade today and he was absolutely thrilled to be going back to his favorite place. He almost fell out of bed this morning when I woke him up - he jumped up so fast! He ate breakfast, brushed his teeth and got dressed in record time and then we had to sit around for 10 minutes waiting for the right time to go.

Lots of things have been happening this month - so much that the thought of blogging about them is overwhelming, which is why I haven't posted anything in a while. Basically, life as we knew it came to a halt and we are starting on a whole new journey of craziness and uncertainty. The last week of July, Hubby was finally laid off (we've known it was coming for about a year now, we just didn't know when), and in the same week our van broke down, Hubby had a health scare, some other medical stuff and he started working from home. Basically, July sucked. One day, I reminded Hubby to pick up some adhesive to re-attach a loose tile in the bathroom, and when he went to check on it, this happened. Yay.

But there were some good moments. Kiddo lost both front teeth. He looks and sounds adorable now. ;)

There was lots of gardening, despite the 105+ temps for the past 65+ days, my plants are still growing. Even this guy was HUGE.
Every few days, this is what I pull in from the garden. The tomatoes are gone now and the zucchini has been demolished by squash bugs, but the okra and peppers are still going strong. 
Pickled okra...need I say more?

Kiddo's birthday is coming up and so he had a very small, very awesome party last Saturday with just a couple of his best buddies. I made cupcakes.
Everything seemed to be looking up, but then on Sunday, our other car broke down.  So now we are down to a couple of road bikes and a dual-sport motorcycle with expired inspection. Hmm, I wonder if I can get 2 car seats strapped to that thing???

Thankfully we have amazing, wonderful, kind and generous neighbors that allowed me to borrow one of their cars so I could take Kiddo to school this morning. It is so nice to have angels so close! Kiddo did not want me to walk him in to his class, but after I complimented him on his shirt and how cool he looked he allowed me to go in. He walked in like he owned the room, marched straight to his locker like he had been to it a million times before, tossed his backpack in and greeted everyone in the room. He is a superstar! ;)

We are potty training Port right now, and that deserves a whole blog post to itself. It is quite the adventure.

Thanks for reading - I will try to update more often now.

D :)


My Captivating Life said...

Ah....I went through something similar this summer. The hubby was unemployed for 2 months. Due to that he has decided to go back to school to do something he wants to do. Before he was just working to pay the bills and he thought this was God's way of pushing him to follow through. KWIM? Anyway I will be praying for you all that the vehicles get fixed and he finds a great new job! :)

Sweet Lily said...

I'm always here to support you.