Thursday, May 27, 2010

Treat Me Nice

We sort of have an open snacking thing going on in our house.

As in, short people are constantly eating.

The little one, Port, is at the pantry or the refrigerator every 5-10 minutes sometimes. For a long time I was ok with it because I wanted him to feel comfortable checking out what foods we have and trying out new things. He is a terribly picky eater, and getting him to eat anything was a struggle for a long time.

Getting him to eat is still a struggle, unless the item is made mostly out of sugar.

Things have gotten out of control. One good thing, he has dropped the 20 hot dog a day habit (kidding! sort of) but now instead he still eats nothing but junk.

And the begging and screaming for junk just got worse and worse and worse.

And Kiddo, who is usually pretty good about listening to me and minding my rules about when and what he can eat, has snuck food he knew he couldn't have, three days in a row. Yesterday it was particularly bad when he didn't eat his lunch or dinner because he had snacked too much throughout the day. Needless to say, I was a wee bit ticked.

So, today I became the food Nazi. Sort of.

No junk food today - well, at least, no candy or suckers. I redirected several requests to healthier options. We had cut apples and lots of fresh cherries, watermelon and pear. I was hoping to tame the sweet cravings with fruit instead of sugary things. I also let them have a frozen Simply Gogurt after playing out in the heat. They looooooved that!

And I have to say, thank you God for giving someone the idea to invent a cherry pitter. Best money I've spent in a long time! The one I have pits 4 cherries at a time. It. Rocks.

There were lots of tears from both boys, but I distracted them by forcing them to go outside and play (a little break for mom's sanity too!).

It was also a bit rough because our dvd player is dying. So there was no Veggie Tales to entertain during the evening dinner prep time. I had to be the tv Nazi too - I wasn't about to be subjected to Barney because our dvd player wasn't working. {note to self, purchase a new dvd player pronto!}

But, we somehow made it through.

Here is hoping tomorrow will be even better.

D :)


Jennifer Barnes said...

I don't know what game console you have, but they all play DVDs these days. That might suffice until you replace yours - or it might even be a *free* option to consider!

Jill said...

Now I totally want a cherry pitter. Also I have never seen Simply Gogurt before! We are very into non-artificial colors/flavors. And we use our OLD xbox to play dvds. Sort of annoying at times, but it works. You might also try making fruit smoothies together to get them involved in the food. We do that a lot. The only thing in ours are fruit and skim milk. Sometimes even odd fruit for my kids to eat like cranberries and mangoes. We often buy frozen fruit and then they are already nice and icy. Do you know most smoothie places add sugar - why would you do that??? Fruit is sweet??? That was a long comment...

Jill said...

Now I totally want a cherry pitter. Also I have never seen Simply Gogurt before! We are very into non-artificial colors/flavors. And we use our OLD xbox to play dvds. Sort of annoying at times, but it works. You might also try making fruit smoothies together to get them involved in the food. We do that a lot. The only thing in ours are fruit and skim milk. Sometimes even odd fruit for my kids to eat like cranberries and mangoes. We often buy frozen fruit and then they are already nice and icy. Do you know most smoothie places add sugar - why would you do that??? Fruit is sweet??? That was a long comment...

Jill said...

Now I totally want a cherry pitter. Also I have never seen Simply Gogurt before! We are very into non-artificial colors/flavors. And we use our OLD xbox to play dvds. Sort of annoying at times, but it works. You might also try making fruit smoothies together to get them involved in the food. We do that a lot. The only thing in ours are fruit and skim milk. Sometimes even odd fruit for my kids to eat like cranberries and mangoes. We often buy frozen fruit and then they are already nice and icy. Do you know most smoothie places add sugar - why would you do that??? Fruit is sweet??? That was a long comment...