Sunday, December 31, 2006

Behind Closed Doors

So what is it that you enjoy when no one is around?

I will admit - I grew up listening to country music. I really couldn't help it; being trapped in the car for hours on end with my parents sort of forced me to adhere to their taste in music, whether I liked it or not. It somehow bored into my brain, filling tiny crevices with lyrics and melodies, and when Time Life comes out with a "Country Classics" collection, I automatically begin to salivate.

Anyhoo - when we visit the inlaws, I often have the opportunity to go see a friend or two, which puts me in the car by myself for good chunks of time. This city has a radio station that plays only "classic country" - songs from the 50's, 60's and 70's and for some embarrassingly unknown reason, it is my weakness. I tune in as soon as I get in the car and sing the songs word for word as if I had just heard them yesterday. It's shower singing at it's finest; loud and strong and so totally embarrassing!

In light of the fact I was able to hear some good tunes yesterday, I thought I'd share with you!

Rosanne Cash - Seven Year Ache

Don Williams - I Believe in You (please ignore the pictures; it was the only whole version of the song I could find.)


karrie said...

Oh!Oh! I love the 7 Year Song...have not heard that in *years*. I met Johnny Cash once when I was a kid.

Really twangy country puts my teeth on edge, but stuff like this--or JOhn Denver, hehe--brings back all kinds of happy childhood memories.

Happy New Year!

Karen said...

I love Johnnny Cash anything . He was a very distant cousin.

Rhonda said...
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karrie said...

I came back to listen...hehe

D said...

LOL Karrie! You are so funny! :)

Anonymous said...

LOL.. I used to listen to that Don Williams song at my grandmothers. She was VERY rural Appalachia and the only stuff you could listen to were country or bluegrass. That's my secret... I love good bluegrass.

K said...

I love old country. Back in my single days I used to hang out at this hole in the wall bar in the middle of Vermont and sing Karaoke. It was alot of fun.

GenieC said...

OMG LMAO, this is sooo funny. I HATE COUNTRY MUSIC, I really do, where you might have learned to love it, it made me hate it sooo much. BUT those songs I knew the words to instantly. It killed me. LOL. LOVE YA.

Mamalang said...

I came by way of Karrie's site...and I too had the same experience as a child/teenager. My hubby looks kind of scared at some of the stuff I know the words to! (Of course, I have the words to quite a bit of 80's metal memorized as well, and that scares him more)