Friday, May 15, 2009

First Fruits

Happy Friday Company Girls (and Beloved Regulars)!

Come on in, I have coffee ready for you. Personally my coffee is coming to me via IV, because my darling baby decided to rise before the chickens this morning. As I cradled him the best I could (he has gotten so BIG) in the darkness, I breathed in the scent of his hair and enjoyed the warmth of his squishy baby-ness...and in the dark with only the sound of the fan and our synchronized, rhythmic breathing, I thought to myself how even though it was so early and I was still so tired, the moment was just too good to miss.

And then, he tooted.
And he giggled in the way only a boy who just tooted would. And thus began our day.


I have to keep him in either a cloth diaper or a sposie with shorts these days or this is what I find when I turn back around. (Pardon our kitchen floor. It was partially ripped up when we started our new floor project, and after finding out how hard it was going to be to get the linoleum up off the concrete, the project got put on hold for a bit.)

Port's hair was a bit long, so just before our trip to Houston last week I (with the help of my good friend Kim) gave him his first official haircut. Here he is before...and after...
Port also experienced his first whole apple the other day. He very much enjoyed it.
Here he is after getting his first big taste.
I was able to harvest the "first fruits" from my garden this week. I have two little spinach plants struggling to stay alive out there, so I decided to go ahead and pick some spinach while I could, before the worms eat everything.I picked these beauties a few days ago, washed them and stored them in the fridge.Aren't they lovely? Even after a few days in the fridge they were still nice and healthy looking.
They were mighty tasty in my salad. But, what is that??!?

Would you believe that even after several days in the fridge he was still alive??

Thankfully he didn't end up in my salad. ACK!

Well now that I've totally grossed you all out, I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

D ;)

PS. If you are a fan of PODCASTS and you are a mom, you will love Musing Mommies! Episode 8 is ready for listening and this week we talk about all things *Beauty*. We would so love it if you would check us out!


Kara @ Just1Step said...

Your son is adorable. :) That's so funny about him taking off his diaper.

And that worm/bug/whatever it was in the spinach!! Eeek!!! Haha.

Have a great weekend!

Cheryl said...

Your story about your son was too funny. Such a sweet Mommy moment...then a toot. Such is life with boys! :) Your spinach looks delicious - glad you avoided the worm. LOL

L2L said...

funny how boys always seem to make something we girls find a bit rude create a smile and giggle in our hearts. Two boys and baby girl here and the oldest has just figured out how to fart with his armpit and has a burp that rattles the walls, lovely, right!!!!

Ellie-Jayne Designs said...

I hear ya on plants struggling to survive! I have already lost a tomato and zucchini plant to frost. My lettuce and strawberries are barely hanging on!

Your spinach does look lovely - even with a friendly neighbor. :-)


Julia said...

It's the dang heat around here. Takes a toll on all the plants. Ever taken a bite into fruit picked off a tree and gotten a mouth full of worm? THAT"s gross. :-)

*toot* Love it.

L Harris said...

great little man you have!

Have a great week. we are just getting going on our garden this year.

Aisling said...

WOW, I haven't even planted my veggies yet.
Hoping the rain will hold off enough later to get that done today.

Joyce said...

Thanks for sharing your photos...esp the tushie one. haha Not liking the worm though. My husband loves spinach salad, so now I think we'll add that to the grocery list...or you can send some over. hehe =p

Have a fantastic weekend!

Barb said...

Those little worms are a PITA - especially on broccoli where you can hardly see them.

I am impressed that Port eats whole apples - William loves to chew them but then spits it out.

Love the toot story...gotta get those baby cuddles when ever you can.

secondofwett said...

Cute little guy.......I just love rockin' little ones....they relax you so.