Friday, February 12, 2010


Hey there Company Girls!
I am sitting here at the computer (shocker, I know) playing with all my new friends on Twitter and watching the Olympic Games Opening Ceremonies. (talk about a roller coaster ride - one minute I am snoozing {Peter Pan anyone?} and the next I am moved {KD Lang, Hallelujah - if you didn't hear it, look for the youtube vid when it comes out. GORGEOUS!}, then I just want to make it stop {I love opera, but...}...mercy! lol) Anyway, I wanted to get a quick post out to say hi and check in with you all.

Rachel Anne's little homemade coffee pot cracked me up! That's my girl! Don't let anything keep you from your morning caffeine injection. I'll have to remember that the next time we wake up without power.

I hope everyone is staying warm and dry during all this snow business. We haven't received any here; just a lot of sleet, rain and general muck. I am so tired of the cold. Thankfully the sun came out today for a few hours, and I was able to get out with the boys and run an errand. We hit Sonic's happy hour so I could let the van run for a little bit. The battery that we bought a few months ago for some reason isn't holding a charge anymore, and every time I get in it and start it up it is a struggle to get it to turn over. It will charge up if I drive it for a while, but if it sits overnight or for a couple of days I can barely get it started the next time we load up. That's not a fun thing when it takes so long to get everyone in the car in the first place. Thankfully it hasn't left us stranded yet, but something needs to be done soon. I was going to see if I could get it replaced at Walmart (they installed it) when we went today, but I guess we arrived at just the wrong time because the automotive area was PACKED. So, Hubby will be toting it up there this weekend sometime.

So I got a decent amount of sun on my face today. I am determined to soak up as much as I can this weekend. 2 weeks of dreary, rainy, cold days just about did me in. Can you say moody? I got my package from the garden supply, and it is just sitting here, unopened, waiting for spring weather. It makes me so sad every time I see it. I want to plant my garden NOW!! :(

I found an old video of Kiddo on our computer the other day. I have been trying to upload it to my blog for days, but it keeps messing up. I may have to edit it so I can get it on here. It is from when he was about 10 months old, and includes the clip of his first steps!! I still can't believe I caught that on tape. As soon as I can figure it out I will post it.

I have so much going on right now - I don't know if I am ever going to catch up. But it is all good and I trust that God's hand is in all of it. I am just hoping my patience can last through it.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. Thanks for having coffee with me!

D :)

Here is KD singing it at the Juno awards - turn up your speakers!


No Longer 25 said...

Thanks for posting that video, it's amzing, I missed the opening ceromony I think I was sleeping!

I laughed at Rachel Anne's 'kettle' as well, it's amazing what we can come up with when we really need that cup of coffee!
Have a great weekend,

thecoolmom said...

We watched the opening ceremony as well and thought it was awesome. My youngest son loved the aerial part though. He was wide eyed and asked my dh, "How is he flying?". Ah, another teachable moment. LOL I've been a fan of KD Lang since the Calgary Olympics.

Thanks to Rachel Anne, I now have another really good reason to have candles stashed everywhere. LOL

We've had some snow here and made the most of it, but now it's melting off and we have a mix of snow and mud. Yuck. Ah well, we have lots of pictures and memories to match.

Frugal Friend said...

My son watched the video of KD Lang with me, because he knows the song from Shrek!

thanks for putting the video up!

Happy Valentines!

Jenn said...

That was beautiful. Was she barefoot? I've seen several performers do that.

Barb said...

I agree completely! KD Lang rocked and that was a smidge too much opera...oye.

So jealous that you will be able to plant your garden soon.

Joyce said...

Late getting around this weekend. I'm still not well, and waiting for the sunny spring weather to come too. Emily just turned 9 months, and I can't believe that she will be walking soon. Looking forward to seeing that video. Love those milestones and seeing how they change and grow each day.