The flakes, several times throughout the day, were the size of golf balls.

He is a photographer's kid. I get this look a lot.
I like this one much better.

The boys had great fun throwing snow balls at each other (hubby included). I don't have pictures of it because I kept getting caught in the cross fire. I didn't want to risk getting my camera wet. Kiddo could have stayed out in it all day. I would have to drag him in every so often so he could warm up and dry off. My dryer got a real workout today running every few hours to dry pants, jackets and gloves. Port liked being out there, but once he got cold he was done. He stayed inside a lot and sat in the window saying "ooh pree nooo!" (ooh, pretty snow!). It was pretty cute.
Kiddo was pretty whiny all afternoon though. He gets like that when he's had a lot of fun or attention in one day - he can't handle it ending, even if it's just for a minute or two so everyone can warm up.
I just can't believe that it snowed here all. day. long! The flakes went from tiny to golf ball sized and everything in between. At one point it was raining, sleeting and snowing huge fluffy flakes all at the same time. I couldn't keep my eyes off the windows in my house.
But, even though it was fun and pretty and so extraordinary...
I am ready for the 76 degree weather to come back.
D :)
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