Friday, September 18, 2009

Too Much Food

Happy Friday!
Come in, poor yourself a cup and have a seat (if you can find one - just shove those blocks out of the way). Ahhhh!

How was your week? The usual stuff over here; still super busy, still got lots on the "to do" list and still have a trashed house. Oh well. I did take the time on Monday (or was it Tuesday) to just get the kitchen clean. My goal was to do a room a day, but the rest of the week has gotten away from me and well.... at least I had a clean kitchen for a couple of days.

So this weekend should be busy, and sometime between Sunday and Wednesday I hope to travel to Houston to do a newborn session for my friend's twin baby girls! I am so very excited!

If you visited the Musing Mommies, you read that I suddenly have little veggies in my fall garden! I can't wait to start harvesting! I planted a lot of beans this time in the hopes of growing something that my little Port will eat. He is 17 months old now, and by far the pickiest eater I've seen. We got so lucky with Kiddo (5yrs). He would try anything and he still, to this day, eats just about anything I serve him (except tomatoes, onion and rice). Kiddo loves green veggies and will usually choose them over french fries at a restaurant. He loves all kinds of fruit too - that kid is awesome when it comes to eating.

Port on the other hand, well dang. I am having the hardest time with him! He will eat chicken nuggets (I know, bad Mommy), mac-n-cheese (sometimes), string cheese, hot dogs, corn, beans (red only), bread, apples, pears, blueberries (sometimes) and almost any kind of muffin you feed him. NOTHING else! He used to eat pasta with both cream sauces or tomato sauces, and now it's hit and miss. Don't even THINK about putting something green in front of him. This week I made spaghetti with some tri colored pasta and he ate it all except for the green pasta. Stinker!

So I guess I am going to be baking a lot of muffins for him. I made some banana pumpkin muffins a couple of weeks ago that he loves. I keep them in the freezer and just pull one out for him when he won't eat the dinner I make. I am thinking zucchini, blueberry, apple, maybe sweet potato or carrot - I need to start searching for recipes. Oh and he will eat some crackers and the marshmallows out of the Lucky Charms cereal, but I don't really count that as proper nutrition. ;)

And before you even suggest it - I refuse to mess up the holy brownie by putting beans or spinach in them. I will not do that to a brownie! lol!

So, as the experts advise, I continue to offer and offer and offer and hope that one day he will eat a piece of broccoli... any other ideas as to what might work?

Thanks for stopping by! I hope you have a wonderful weekend. :)

D :)


One More Equals Four said...

I say you are doing the right thing, just keep offering the foods and one day, he may surprise you. I also say that, although there will be much "weeping and gnashing of teeth" DO NOT serve him seperate meals! Offer him what you fixed the family and he can choose to eat them or not--it is awful at first, but it will make life so much easier later on!

Have a great week!

mholgate said...

My kids love the V8 Fusion juices. That way, they are getting both fruit and veggies.

I agree that you don't want to offer him separate meals on a regular basis. When I am making something I know my kids' little taste buds can't handle yet, I usually stick with a low key version of what we are eating. Like if we're having spicy Mexican chicken, then I give them the same chicken with mild sauce and rice. You don't want to become a short order cook! :)

Enjoy your week. I stopped in over at Musing Mommies earlier. :)


Unknown said...

I have one of those picky eaters too. She's not yet 2. At this point I just try to make sure she eats something. She's a nugget girl. I too keep offering her the vegies and every once in a while she partakes. My problem is I've gotten weak in my older age and since she's the 5th things just aren't as strict as they once were. I know it's sad. ((SIGH))
Hope you have a great week!

Joyce said...

If not spinach brownies, how about spinach nuggets? I've only heard about them...Good luck! It's tough...

Have fun with the newborn session. Twins! Wow! I just can't imagine.

Rachel Anne said...

My kids were very picky eaters. At one point, my son at frozen waffles almost exclusively. I felt guilty a lot, but I think you've got the right idea about offering stuff continually. Eventually they come around.

No one ever liked things mixed up (i.e. casseroles) and still don't. Meat. Potato. Vegetable. with plenty of space in between.

ps tried to comment on mumo but kept getting an error message about cookies/java script.

Jamie said...

[sigh] I, too, have 1 picky eater...Now, at 16, he is expanding his repertoire a bit. His favorite is still a plain cheeseburger and fries--from anywhere. (He would not eat hamburgers until 3rd grade!) His sister was (and is) a better variety eater. (Though THIS bad mom confesses to giving her her first Krispy Kreme at about 6 months...)

Good luck, and NEVER give up! :)

Jill said...

Hey spinach brownies are good! ha And I have made those nuggets with the veggie batter and they are good too, but just a bit troublesome. He'll eat new stuff eventually no worries. My kids change their diets weekly!