The Good and the Bad about having a 24 hour Stomach Virus
by Dawn Fry
Feeling Nauseous for hours = BAD
Going to bed at 9:30 because you've felt nauseous for hours = GOOD
Waking up at 1AM to puke = BAD
Felling much better after you puke = GOOD
Staying up all night worrying the kids will get it = BAD
Hubby staying up all night worrying he will get it = ???
Waking up at every little noise, thinking a child has puked = BAD
Getting up in the morning realizing no one but you had puked = GOOD
Taking care of 2 small children while feeling like dog doo = BAD
Having small children discover new independence = GOOD
Not eating because food makes you nauseous = BAD
Losing 3 pounds in 1 day = GOOD
Gaining it back once you start eating again = BAD
Extra long, extra hot showers = GOOD
Caffeine withdrawal headaches = BAD
Knowing that it's only a 24 hour thing and you should be feeling better by this evening = GOOD
D :)
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Today, in Austin, TX, we had a snow day.
Today has been unlike any day I've ever seen.
I have only seen snow a few times in my life, but never have I seen anything like this. here. in our town.
The flakes, several times throughout the day, were the size of golf balls.
This is a picture of my broccoli plant. It is about 6-8 inches tall. Only the top 4-5 inches are sticking out.
These are my carrots. Or, were my carrots. I can't quite find them right now.
This is the neighbor's house. I didn't even recognize it.
Looking out from my doorway across the street. See my neighbors on the right? They are wearing short sleeved shirts. That is probably because we are in Austin, TX, and we don't know how to act in SNOW. And, also probably because it was 76 degrees on Sunday.
This is the same view only an hour later.
Hot chocolate. It was what was for lunch.
Man, Kiddo looks so....old. *sigh*
This is the front of my house. I cannot believe how much snow there is.
My rosemary bush. So pretty!
The boy. Squinty-eyed and messy-mouthed. Typical. ;-)
Our first snow man attempt. He is about 6" tall, and a true Texan. He has cedar berries for eyes. He kinda looks mad...
He is a photographer's kid. I get this look a lot.
I like this one much better.
Our third snowman, Jack. He is much bigger. He and Kiddo are "holding hands".
And he has cool hair.

The boys had great fun throwing snow balls at each other (hubby included). I don't have pictures of it because I kept getting caught in the cross fire. I didn't want to risk getting my camera wet. Kiddo could have stayed out in it all day. I would have to drag him in every so often so he could warm up and dry off. My dryer got a real workout today running every few hours to dry pants, jackets and gloves. Port liked being out there, but once he got cold he was done. He stayed inside a lot and sat in the window saying "ooh pree nooo!" (ooh, pretty snow!). It was pretty cute.
Kiddo was pretty whiny all afternoon though. He gets like that when he's had a lot of fun or attention in one day - he can't handle it ending, even if it's just for a minute or two so everyone can warm up.
I just can't believe that it snowed here all. day. long! The flakes went from tiny to golf ball sized and everything in between. At one point it was raining, sleeting and snowing huge fluffy flakes all at the same time. I couldn't keep my eyes off the windows in my house.
But, even though it was fun and pretty and so extraordinary...
I am ready for the 76 degree weather to come back.
D :)

The flakes, several times throughout the day, were the size of golf balls.

He is a photographer's kid. I get this look a lot.
I like this one much better.

The boys had great fun throwing snow balls at each other (hubby included). I don't have pictures of it because I kept getting caught in the cross fire. I didn't want to risk getting my camera wet. Kiddo could have stayed out in it all day. I would have to drag him in every so often so he could warm up and dry off. My dryer got a real workout today running every few hours to dry pants, jackets and gloves. Port liked being out there, but once he got cold he was done. He stayed inside a lot and sat in the window saying "ooh pree nooo!" (ooh, pretty snow!). It was pretty cute.
Kiddo was pretty whiny all afternoon though. He gets like that when he's had a lot of fun or attention in one day - he can't handle it ending, even if it's just for a minute or two so everyone can warm up.
I just can't believe that it snowed here all. day. long! The flakes went from tiny to golf ball sized and everything in between. At one point it was raining, sleeting and snowing huge fluffy flakes all at the same time. I couldn't keep my eyes off the windows in my house.
But, even though it was fun and pretty and so extraordinary...
I am ready for the 76 degree weather to come back.
D :)
Monday, February 22, 2010
Perfect Day
Yesterday was the most perfect day weather wise. It was sunny, warm (about 76 degrees), there was a light breeze, the air was clean - it was PERFECT. I spent a good 2+ hours out in the garden digging my little heart out. I made a nice sized trench in between the 2 raised beds and I plan on planting zucchini there. I was going to put them on the fence line, but I think the full sun the area between the beds gets will be better for them. Instead, I plan on putting beans and maybe some corn along the fence. We just need to find something to use as a trellis first.
It's funny how curious birds become when you toss a bunch of grubs out on to a hard, flat place on the ground. The grubs start to squirm and the birds begin to gather...
Digging in that dirt, man it really does something for my soul. And, it really does something for my body as well. Talk about a work out! At one point, I had been on my knees digging out the trench by hand because I encountered a large group of limestone rocks that I couldn't get around with a shovel. I was bending forward and scooping the dirt out and digging around the rocks with my hands and my legs were trembling violently. After 2 hours of doing that, my body was so worn out I felt weak. By bed time last night, I was in pain.
But it was so worth it - I just love, love, love digging in the dirt. The smell of the earth, the feel of it in my hands, the silence of being outside with no one talking to me, and the air and the sun all combined just warmed my heart and my soul. My mind raced with thoughts that all week collided in my head as I sat indoors. Outside, it was as if they had more room to maneuver, and I was able to think things through so much faster. Everything I had been trying to hard to unravel in my head suddenly became clear.
I can't wait to go pick up my fertilizer and compost and get planting.
It was a nice release from the tension and anger I experienced when we came home from church yesterday. We left our dog in the house like we normally do, and when we got home we walked in to a huge, disgusting mess. While we were gone, the dog thought it would be fun to completely demolish a bag full of trash and distribute it's contents all over my house.
Thankfully that was the only low in a pretty terrific day.
Our church service was awesome. Brad Johnson from Mission of Hope Haiti was the speaker. His message was extremely powerful. He gave me so much to think about. I will have to marinate on it some before I can share. I am still not sure of what to do with some of the thoughts in my head. Some of the music was led by Mission of Hope Haiti's worship leader, Claudel Senat. It was such an amazing, spiritual experience.
After the dog/trash debacle, the big boys left on a hike and Port and I played in the back yard for a bit before nap time. I needed to transplant a few veggie plants I am sprouting in the kitchen and so I collected some random containers to put them in. I found a place in the yard with nice soil and started to dig, and the next thing I knew my little man had joined me with another small shovel and was helping me fill the pots. He had great coordination with that dirt - not much missed the mark. I was really surprised since I don't know when he's ever practiced scooping materials and filling containers. He did a great job, and it was so fun digging with him.
Port's speech is still kind of hit and miss, but it seems to be getting much better when he is on. He's begun to address Hubby and I before he says his gibberish; "Mum, bleeble blobble bleeble blobble. Um, Dad, bleeble blooble, bleeble, blobble." It's so cute. He has been mimicking his brother a lot. Sometimes though he will actually say real sentences. If he falls he will say "I ok". He'll also say "Let's go!" and "I'm ready!"
Today Kiddo handed Port a bag of marbles and just as plain as day he said "Woah, what ees dis?!".
Cracked me up.
Pretty soon I won't be able to shut him up.

With today being Gratitude Monday, I would like to make a gratitude list.
I am thankful for...
1. the rich, dark earth in my yard that will soon be providing nourishment for my family.
2. my sweet babies and the moments I enjoy spending with them
3. the sound of a young child speaking in that sweet high pitched voice that makes everything sound cute. Sometimes, even when he says "no" it makes me smile.
4. my church; the music, the message, all of it. I love attending there.
Feel free to join me. Grab a button and tell me what you are thankful for!
D :)
It's funny how curious birds become when you toss a bunch of grubs out on to a hard, flat place on the ground. The grubs start to squirm and the birds begin to gather...
Digging in that dirt, man it really does something for my soul. And, it really does something for my body as well. Talk about a work out! At one point, I had been on my knees digging out the trench by hand because I encountered a large group of limestone rocks that I couldn't get around with a shovel. I was bending forward and scooping the dirt out and digging around the rocks with my hands and my legs were trembling violently. After 2 hours of doing that, my body was so worn out I felt weak. By bed time last night, I was in pain.
But it was so worth it - I just love, love, love digging in the dirt. The smell of the earth, the feel of it in my hands, the silence of being outside with no one talking to me, and the air and the sun all combined just warmed my heart and my soul. My mind raced with thoughts that all week collided in my head as I sat indoors. Outside, it was as if they had more room to maneuver, and I was able to think things through so much faster. Everything I had been trying to hard to unravel in my head suddenly became clear.
I can't wait to go pick up my fertilizer and compost and get planting.
It was a nice release from the tension and anger I experienced when we came home from church yesterday. We left our dog in the house like we normally do, and when we got home we walked in to a huge, disgusting mess. While we were gone, the dog thought it would be fun to completely demolish a bag full of trash and distribute it's contents all over my house.
Thankfully that was the only low in a pretty terrific day.
Our church service was awesome. Brad Johnson from Mission of Hope Haiti was the speaker. His message was extremely powerful. He gave me so much to think about. I will have to marinate on it some before I can share. I am still not sure of what to do with some of the thoughts in my head. Some of the music was led by Mission of Hope Haiti's worship leader, Claudel Senat. It was such an amazing, spiritual experience.
After the dog/trash debacle, the big boys left on a hike and Port and I played in the back yard for a bit before nap time. I needed to transplant a few veggie plants I am sprouting in the kitchen and so I collected some random containers to put them in. I found a place in the yard with nice soil and started to dig, and the next thing I knew my little man had joined me with another small shovel and was helping me fill the pots. He had great coordination with that dirt - not much missed the mark. I was really surprised since I don't know when he's ever practiced scooping materials and filling containers. He did a great job, and it was so fun digging with him.
Port's speech is still kind of hit and miss, but it seems to be getting much better when he is on. He's begun to address Hubby and I before he says his gibberish; "Mum, bleeble blobble bleeble blobble. Um, Dad, bleeble blooble, bleeble, blobble." It's so cute. He has been mimicking his brother a lot. Sometimes though he will actually say real sentences. If he falls he will say "I ok". He'll also say "Let's go!" and "I'm ready!"
Today Kiddo handed Port a bag of marbles and just as plain as day he said "Woah, what ees dis?!".
Cracked me up.
Pretty soon I won't be able to shut him up.

With today being Gratitude Monday, I would like to make a gratitude list.
I am thankful for...
1. the rich, dark earth in my yard that will soon be providing nourishment for my family.
2. my sweet babies and the moments I enjoy spending with them
3. the sound of a young child speaking in that sweet high pitched voice that makes everything sound cute. Sometimes, even when he says "no" it makes me smile.
4. my church; the music, the message, all of it. I love attending there.
Feel free to join me. Grab a button and tell me what you are thankful for!
D :)
Gratitude Monday,
Friday, February 19, 2010

Happy Friday Company Girls and Beloved Regulars!
Man, all week long I've been thinking it was Friday, wishing for Friday and dreading Friday. Friday, needless to say, has been on the brain.
And all day today I thought it was Wednesday. Go figure. lol
But, indeed, it is Friday, and I am looking forward to getting some things done this weekend. Hopefully I can make it out and about and get some tasks taken care if before Hubby runs off to do his thing. It seems there are never enough waking hours in the weekend for us to both get our stuff done. And usually I am the one to not do my stuff if time is short because if I really, really have to, usually I can do it during the week. But doing my stuff kid free on the weekends is sooooo much easier! How I long for those few hours to myself. I wish I got them more often.
But I digress.
My parents sent me my birthday present early, a beautiful gift card to Home Depot, and so I hope to be able to do some garden supply shopping and pick up some much desired dirt and fertilizer for my garden. I am so eager to get things planted and now is the time! Yay!!!
Last night we recorded this weeks Musing Mommies podcast. We were a few days late because Kim has been having trouble with her voice. We did a dual podcast with Melody from 2GodChicks. It was so much fun talking with her, and being interviewed as well as interviewing. It is different when the tables are turned! Anyway, I think it was a great conversation and I can't wait until I get to hear it all edited and nice. One little fun fact; Melody and Wendy record their podcast in Melody's closet! lol! Awesome! It was so funny watching her on Skype sitting amongst her clothes and shoe boxes. Hey, you go where the sound is the best, right?
I got little Port to nap today. He protested for a few minutes but finally relented and went to sleep. Thank goodness, because the no-nap day yesterday was not fun. Don't get me wrong, Port was actually pretty good most of the afternoon. But come bed time he was so over tired he fought everything. He didn't want to get his jammies on, he didn't want to tell anyone goodnight, he didn't want to give his "bump-bumps" (fist bumps) to anyone. He screamed his angry CPS calling level scream for a good 20 minutes before finally passing out. It was not fun for anybody. Tonight, he scrunched up his face and huffed and puffed a little, but he willingly went in his room for jammies and he happily said goodnight and bump-bumped everyone (even the cat!!). He willingly went to his room, picked up his toys without asking (my sweet little organized dude) and helped me turn out the light. When I laid him in the crib he scrunched up his face again, but he turned on his little fishy light and only said one "no!" when I closed the door. No crying, no screaming, nothing.
I am not ready for him to give up naps yet. I know he can make it through the day without one, but the difference it makes in how well bed time goes is enough for me to put up with the noon time protest so he will take a nap. It may keep us from doing stuff most days, but it is so worth it.
How old were your kids when they gave up naps? I have probably asked this before, but I am really hoping I can get a few more months at least out of him before we have to do something else. (afternoon rest time? stay in your room and read time? I have no clue here.)
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. Thanks for stopping by!
D :)
Coffee Talk,
Every Day Happenings,
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Come Back to Me
I refuse to let a whole week go by without blogging here. Mercy - I don't know what is wrong with me lately, blogging just seems to be the last thing on my list. The funny thing is, it is almost the most important thing on my list for many reasons. The main reason being that it is my own little therapist couch, where I can tell my stories and vent my frustrations and whoever wants to listen (or read) can and whoever doesn't can just click to something else. Thank goodness for freedom!
I have had 2 culinary triumphs this week. The first, on Fat Tuesday, my first ever attempt at cajun food (except for the occasional grits. lol), crawfish etouffee! I got a great recipe from my friend Shannon over at Rants, Raves and Recipes, and the next thing I knew I was making my first roux! What a trip. It was definitely not something I will try again unless I know I will have uninterrupted time to stir for about 30-45 minutes. The boys kind of made that part difficult.
But, what made the whole thing sooooo nice and easy was my beautiful, stunning, supportive, wonderful....

Lodge Color Porcelain Enamel On Cast Iron dutch oven I received for Christmas! Wheeee!
Can I just tell you how much I love this thing?!??! Wowzers! It was so nice to work with.
Anyway, the recipe was great. I added a couple of table spoons of bacon grease to the roux and some salt overall and the etouffee was perfect. Kiddo liked it pretty well, especially considering how picky he has been lately, but Port wouldn't touch it. I was kind of nervous about giving him shellfish anyway, so his refusal didn't hurt my feelings any.
My second triumph was last night. I made my usual Parmesan crusted salmon and normally I would make rice and some sort of veggie. But since the night before we had rice with our etouffee, I decided to make some pasta instead.
I like to keep things interesting like that.
I had some things in the fridge that needed to be used so I made up my own little concoction. I chopped some yellow onion and sauteed it in butter until it began to soften. Then I tossed in a bunch of sliced mushrooms and sauteed them for a couple of minutes as well. I added some kosher salt, let it all get yummy and lovely and then I added in about 1 cup of chicken broth, 1 cup of heavy cream, 1/2 cup grated Parmesan (the green can is fine) and 4 oz (1/2 block) of cream cheese. I seasoned it all with a ton of fresh cracked black pepper, a little garlic salt (because I forgot to add minced garlic) and some dried basil. When the cream cheese melted and everything simmered for a little bit (and thickened) I tossed in about a cup of halved cherry tomatoes and stirred them around until warm (you don't want to cook them too long or they will start to break down).
It was sooooooo GOOOOOD!!!! I poured the cream/veggie mixture over fettuccine noodles and put my salmon fillet on top. I drizzled a little more of the sauce over the whole thing and it was absolutely to. die. for! (if I do say so myself!)
Mmmmm, now I want some more! Too bad I used up all the mushrooms and tomatoes.
It was wonderful to make a couple of great dishes that my family enjoyed. I just love feeding people (and myself, hee hee!).
Things around here are starting to get busy. Next week I am shooting 2 weddings. I am almost fully booked for March with sessions and am now booking some April stuff too. I have to say, I give God all the glory! He is so good! We were in serious financial trouble this month, we prayed and prayed and did what we are supposed to do, and He provided. I just love how that all works!
Little Port man refused a nap today. It should be an interesting evening.
Oh, and just for record sake, some crazy yahoo intentionally flew a jet into one of the office buildings right down the street from Hubby's office today. Before he did this horrible thing, he set his own house on fire, and left some rambling manifesto on his website explaining why he did what he did.
My prayers go out to all involved, from the pilot to the onlookers who will be forever affected by this tragedy. Suicide is such a selfish act. It leaves so much heartache and mental suffering in it's wake.
And with that I leave you with even more poop. The real kind this time - poor little Port had a massive, blow out poopy diaper this evening. He was eating his dinner and it leaked out and he accidentally got it on his hands. Poor little guy came into the kitchen all scrunchy faced and frantically trying to wipe it off. I, having no idea what had happened, fetched a wet napkin and started to clean him up (I thought he just got some pear on his hands or something). When I realized what I was cleaning I took him to the bedroom to change him. I discovered that he was absolutely covered in it, and it was. freaking. him. out. He did not like it one bit!
It was quite traumatic getting him cleaned up, and he still fussed for a few minutes after, as if he was unsure I had done a good job. I told Hubby that, while I hate that he was traumatized by the whole thing, I was so happy he was traumatized! I am just thankful he found it repulsive and not fun. I don't need any more "painters" in my house!
You're welcome. ;-)
D :)
I have had 2 culinary triumphs this week. The first, on Fat Tuesday, my first ever attempt at cajun food (except for the occasional grits. lol), crawfish etouffee! I got a great recipe from my friend Shannon over at Rants, Raves and Recipes, and the next thing I knew I was making my first roux! What a trip. It was definitely not something I will try again unless I know I will have uninterrupted time to stir for about 30-45 minutes. The boys kind of made that part difficult.
But, what made the whole thing sooooo nice and easy was my beautiful, stunning, supportive, wonderful....

Lodge Color Porcelain Enamel On Cast Iron dutch oven I received for Christmas! Wheeee!
Can I just tell you how much I love this thing?!??! Wowzers! It was so nice to work with.
Anyway, the recipe was great. I added a couple of table spoons of bacon grease to the roux and some salt overall and the etouffee was perfect. Kiddo liked it pretty well, especially considering how picky he has been lately, but Port wouldn't touch it. I was kind of nervous about giving him shellfish anyway, so his refusal didn't hurt my feelings any.
My second triumph was last night. I made my usual Parmesan crusted salmon and normally I would make rice and some sort of veggie. But since the night before we had rice with our etouffee, I decided to make some pasta instead.
I like to keep things interesting like that.
I had some things in the fridge that needed to be used so I made up my own little concoction. I chopped some yellow onion and sauteed it in butter until it began to soften. Then I tossed in a bunch of sliced mushrooms and sauteed them for a couple of minutes as well. I added some kosher salt, let it all get yummy and lovely and then I added in about 1 cup of chicken broth, 1 cup of heavy cream, 1/2 cup grated Parmesan (the green can is fine) and 4 oz (1/2 block) of cream cheese. I seasoned it all with a ton of fresh cracked black pepper, a little garlic salt (because I forgot to add minced garlic) and some dried basil. When the cream cheese melted and everything simmered for a little bit (and thickened) I tossed in about a cup of halved cherry tomatoes and stirred them around until warm (you don't want to cook them too long or they will start to break down).
It was sooooooo GOOOOOD!!!! I poured the cream/veggie mixture over fettuccine noodles and put my salmon fillet on top. I drizzled a little more of the sauce over the whole thing and it was absolutely to. die. for! (if I do say so myself!)
Mmmmm, now I want some more! Too bad I used up all the mushrooms and tomatoes.
It was wonderful to make a couple of great dishes that my family enjoyed. I just love feeding people (and myself, hee hee!).
Things around here are starting to get busy. Next week I am shooting 2 weddings. I am almost fully booked for March with sessions and am now booking some April stuff too. I have to say, I give God all the glory! He is so good! We were in serious financial trouble this month, we prayed and prayed and did what we are supposed to do, and He provided. I just love how that all works!
Little Port man refused a nap today. It should be an interesting evening.
Oh, and just for record sake, some crazy yahoo intentionally flew a jet into one of the office buildings right down the street from Hubby's office today. Before he did this horrible thing, he set his own house on fire, and left some rambling manifesto on his website explaining why he did what he did.
My prayers go out to all involved, from the pilot to the onlookers who will be forever affected by this tragedy. Suicide is such a selfish act. It leaves so much heartache and mental suffering in it's wake.
And with that I leave you with even more poop. The real kind this time - poor little Port had a massive, blow out poopy diaper this evening. He was eating his dinner and it leaked out and he accidentally got it on his hands. Poor little guy came into the kitchen all scrunchy faced and frantically trying to wipe it off. I, having no idea what had happened, fetched a wet napkin and started to clean him up (I thought he just got some pear on his hands or something). When I realized what I was cleaning I took him to the bedroom to change him. I discovered that he was absolutely covered in it, and it was. freaking. him. out. He did not like it one bit!
It was quite traumatic getting him cleaned up, and he still fussed for a few minutes after, as if he was unsure I had done a good job. I told Hubby that, while I hate that he was traumatized by the whole thing, I was so happy he was traumatized! I am just thankful he found it repulsive and not fun. I don't need any more "painters" in my house!
You're welcome. ;-)
D :)
Every Day Happenings,
Friday, February 12, 2010

Hey there Company Girls!
I am sitting here at the computer (shocker, I know) playing with all my new friends on Twitter and watching the Olympic Games Opening Ceremonies. (talk about a roller coaster ride - one minute I am snoozing {Peter Pan anyone?} and the next I am moved {KD Lang, Hallelujah - if you didn't hear it, look for the youtube vid when it comes out. GORGEOUS!}, then I just want to make it stop {I love opera, but...}...mercy! lol) Anyway, I wanted to get a quick post out to say hi and check in with you all.
Rachel Anne's little homemade coffee pot cracked me up! That's my girl! Don't let anything keep you from your morning caffeine injection. I'll have to remember that the next time we wake up without power.
I hope everyone is staying warm and dry during all this snow business. We haven't received any here; just a lot of sleet, rain and general muck. I am so tired of the cold. Thankfully the sun came out today for a few hours, and I was able to get out with the boys and run an errand. We hit Sonic's happy hour so I could let the van run for a little bit. The battery that we bought a few months ago for some reason isn't holding a charge anymore, and every time I get in it and start it up it is a struggle to get it to turn over. It will charge up if I drive it for a while, but if it sits overnight or for a couple of days I can barely get it started the next time we load up. That's not a fun thing when it takes so long to get everyone in the car in the first place. Thankfully it hasn't left us stranded yet, but something needs to be done soon. I was going to see if I could get it replaced at Walmart (they installed it) when we went today, but I guess we arrived at just the wrong time because the automotive area was PACKED. So, Hubby will be toting it up there this weekend sometime.
So I got a decent amount of sun on my face today. I am determined to soak up as much as I can this weekend. 2 weeks of dreary, rainy, cold days just about did me in. Can you say moody? I got my package from the garden supply, and it is just sitting here, unopened, waiting for spring weather. It makes me so sad every time I see it. I want to plant my garden NOW!! :(
I found an old video of Kiddo on our computer the other day. I have been trying to upload it to my blog for days, but it keeps messing up. I may have to edit it so I can get it on here. It is from when he was about 10 months old, and includes the clip of his first steps!! I still can't believe I caught that on tape. As soon as I can figure it out I will post it.
I have so much going on right now - I don't know if I am ever going to catch up. But it is all good and I trust that God's hand is in all of it. I am just hoping my patience can last through it.
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. Thanks for having coffee with me!
D :)
Here is KD singing it at the Juno awards - turn up your speakers!
Tuesday, February 09, 2010
I am not in a good mood today. I have to admit, I think it's quite an accomplishment that I have been relatively happy for the last couple of weeks, barring a few rapid mood swings brought on by the hormones. But I am just not feeling it. It must be the weather. It's gorgeous today, but bitterly cold and it's tormenting me. I WANT to be out in the sun, to breathe the fresh air, to feel the breeze, but going out there is sheer torture. The wind is icy, the sun, though bright, provides no warmth, and the chill makes my joints ache.
I discovered yesterday that a minor problem I have been having off and on since I was pregnant with Port is actually related to the dreaded lupus. I thought it was something else entirely, and was getting frustrated with my attempts to fix it. Now that I have the answers though, I am still upset because it really means my body is not functioning properly. And, I know that some of it has to do with the fact that I am not eating very healthily. My diet isn't horrible, but it could be better. My sugar cravings are out of control and I can feel the spiraling downward. I need to get a grip, but I am simply not motivated to do so.
It's funny, just when I think I have a grip on one thing (for example right now, my business) I lose grip on other things. I want to be whole; I'm so tired of being fragmented.
I don't talk about the dreaded lupus much, because honestly, I don't really think much about it. I am very fortunate to not have to deal with it, or whatever it is I have. But it does seem to get to me when I discover yet another thing that ails me is a byproduct of it. It is frustrating; though I know it could be a lot worse. I am truly thankful that it is not.
I don't want to drag a depressing post out forever so I'll quit. I do have an interesting thing to say about my trip to the grocery store this morning.
I was pushing the boys in the cart down the cleaning products isle when I noticed something on the floor. It was a kitchen knife - obviously not new and definitely out of place in the floor of the isle. It was one of the smaller knives in a typical set; about 3 inches long. About 6 feet in front of me there was a woman, in her 40s, who was sort of frantically digging through the pockets of a jacket that she had laid across the child seat part of her shopping cart. She was talking on the phone which she held between her ear and shoulder. If I had just passed her in the store at any other time she would have appeared to be perfectly normal. I stepped over the knife as if I didn't see it, and passed her in the isle (just to see if I could get a better sense of what was going on). When I passed, she turned around and retrieved the knife and shoved it into the pocket of the jacket she had been searching through.
Now, I cannot possibly imagine why someone would be carrying a knife like that in their jacket pocket, but I didn't want to stick around to find out so I carried on with my shopping, heading in the opposite direction, far away from her. She didn't seem upset or angry or anything worth being alarmed over; perhaps she put it in her pocket by accident or for some other odd reason and then forgot about it. I don't really want to speculate why she had that knife in the store.
But what really got to me; what raised the hairs on the back of my neck was what I heard as I was pushing my cart away from her in the isle.
The piped in music in the store suddenly came in loud and clear...
"Run away, run away, run away and save your life. Run away, run away, run away if you want to survive!"
Oh yes, it was.
D ;)
I discovered yesterday that a minor problem I have been having off and on since I was pregnant with Port is actually related to the dreaded lupus. I thought it was something else entirely, and was getting frustrated with my attempts to fix it. Now that I have the answers though, I am still upset because it really means my body is not functioning properly. And, I know that some of it has to do with the fact that I am not eating very healthily. My diet isn't horrible, but it could be better. My sugar cravings are out of control and I can feel the spiraling downward. I need to get a grip, but I am simply not motivated to do so.
It's funny, just when I think I have a grip on one thing (for example right now, my business) I lose grip on other things. I want to be whole; I'm so tired of being fragmented.
I don't talk about the dreaded lupus much, because honestly, I don't really think much about it. I am very fortunate to not have to deal with it, or whatever it is I have. But it does seem to get to me when I discover yet another thing that ails me is a byproduct of it. It is frustrating; though I know it could be a lot worse. I am truly thankful that it is not.
I don't want to drag a depressing post out forever so I'll quit. I do have an interesting thing to say about my trip to the grocery store this morning.
I was pushing the boys in the cart down the cleaning products isle when I noticed something on the floor. It was a kitchen knife - obviously not new and definitely out of place in the floor of the isle. It was one of the smaller knives in a typical set; about 3 inches long. About 6 feet in front of me there was a woman, in her 40s, who was sort of frantically digging through the pockets of a jacket that she had laid across the child seat part of her shopping cart. She was talking on the phone which she held between her ear and shoulder. If I had just passed her in the store at any other time she would have appeared to be perfectly normal. I stepped over the knife as if I didn't see it, and passed her in the isle (just to see if I could get a better sense of what was going on). When I passed, she turned around and retrieved the knife and shoved it into the pocket of the jacket she had been searching through.
Now, I cannot possibly imagine why someone would be carrying a knife like that in their jacket pocket, but I didn't want to stick around to find out so I carried on with my shopping, heading in the opposite direction, far away from her. She didn't seem upset or angry or anything worth being alarmed over; perhaps she put it in her pocket by accident or for some other odd reason and then forgot about it. I don't really want to speculate why she had that knife in the store.
But what really got to me; what raised the hairs on the back of my neck was what I heard as I was pushing my cart away from her in the isle.
The piped in music in the store suddenly came in loud and clear...
"Run away, run away, run away and save your life. Run away, run away, run away if you want to survive!"
Oh yes, it was.
D ;)
The Dreaded Lupus
Monday, February 08, 2010
Happy Monday all!
We had a nice little weekend - drove into Houston to see the inlaws and take their oldish big screen TV off their hands. They recently decided to replace theirs and so we got the old one. It sure beats the little 20-something inch we had. However, we had a serious TV watching problem before...I can only imagine how it is going to be now.
But the kids love it and I am sure once Kiddo gets a taste of playing video games on the thing he will finally turn into the full fledged couch potato I have been grooming him to be since birth. I am so proud!
haha! Anyway...
The weather is back to rainy and dreary again, thankfully though it isn't quite as cold. I can handle almost 60 degrees and wet much better than 30s and 40s with wet. Yuck. I am seriously needing some sunshine though - the hour or so I soaked up on Saturday while Port played in the inlaw's back yard just didn't last me very long. My internal batteries need something more like a weekend on the beach in order to get a full recharge. (anyone have a beach house? my birthday is coming up!)
I have been craving the ocean for a while now. It is starting to become a nuisance.
I am hoping to be very productive this week. I just finished a book that was inspiring, motivating and frankly, frightening (but in a good way!). I would love to accomplish the things it talks about, and while I think I am for once in my life actually on the right path, the book has clarified for me that 1) there are not enough hours in the day nor enough milligrams of caffeine in my coffee, 2)my patience needs to be at maximum levels for an extended period of time if I really want to see the best results, 3) I need to start making some long term plans, 4) I have so much work to do that I can't even see straight.
But the best thing is, I think that what I really want to do with my life is starting to take shape. I have never been able to say what I want to be when I grow up. And now, well, while I still can't really define it in one particular profession, I have a better understanding of what I want. And the best part is, I think I am on the right path, doing the right things. I just need to connect the dots a little better and hopefully things will start falling into place.
How's that for being cryptic?? lol
So, today I am trying to organize my thoughts and plans, though it is proving difficult because I seem to be developing a nasty sinus infection. My addiction to afrin is growing stronger as I am struggling to breathe more and more. This has really got to stop. I need to get healthy for a while. The damp, moldy, cedar laden air isn't helping things. The beach is sounding better and better...

Today is Monday (in case you weren't aware) and so I should be doing a wonderful, inspiring Gratitude Monday post. Today though I would like to just highlight a few people I am so very grateful for this (and every week).
1. My main girl Kim. The more I get to know her, the more amazed I am that we are not somehow blood related.
2. Julia - who, almost every single day makes me thank God she is in my life. She is by far the most thoughtful, giving, amazingly knowledgeable and connected person I know. I don't know how I got so fortunate to be a part of her life, but some day I will figure out a way to thank her for all that she's done. I just haven't thought of anything grand enough yet!
3. A fellow photographer, Sandy - who, for no reason other than just possessing a HUGE heart and a gift for expressing it has boosted my confidence and made me feel valuable in the photography community. That means more to me than I am sure she knows.
4. my Hubby - he complimented me at least twice this week on my cooking, and it was something I really needed. To get such praise from him is like being handed a most precious treasure.
I am so very, very blessed.
D :)
We had a nice little weekend - drove into Houston to see the inlaws and take their oldish big screen TV off their hands. They recently decided to replace theirs and so we got the old one. It sure beats the little 20-something inch we had. However, we had a serious TV watching problem before...I can only imagine how it is going to be now.
But the kids love it and I am sure once Kiddo gets a taste of playing video games on the thing he will finally turn into the full fledged couch potato I have been grooming him to be since birth. I am so proud!
haha! Anyway...
The weather is back to rainy and dreary again, thankfully though it isn't quite as cold. I can handle almost 60 degrees and wet much better than 30s and 40s with wet. Yuck. I am seriously needing some sunshine though - the hour or so I soaked up on Saturday while Port played in the inlaw's back yard just didn't last me very long. My internal batteries need something more like a weekend on the beach in order to get a full recharge. (anyone have a beach house? my birthday is coming up!)
I have been craving the ocean for a while now. It is starting to become a nuisance.
I am hoping to be very productive this week. I just finished a book that was inspiring, motivating and frankly, frightening (but in a good way!). I would love to accomplish the things it talks about, and while I think I am for once in my life actually on the right path, the book has clarified for me that 1) there are not enough hours in the day nor enough milligrams of caffeine in my coffee, 2)my patience needs to be at maximum levels for an extended period of time if I really want to see the best results, 3) I need to start making some long term plans, 4) I have so much work to do that I can't even see straight.
But the best thing is, I think that what I really want to do with my life is starting to take shape. I have never been able to say what I want to be when I grow up. And now, well, while I still can't really define it in one particular profession, I have a better understanding of what I want. And the best part is, I think I am on the right path, doing the right things. I just need to connect the dots a little better and hopefully things will start falling into place.
How's that for being cryptic?? lol
So, today I am trying to organize my thoughts and plans, though it is proving difficult because I seem to be developing a nasty sinus infection. My addiction to afrin is growing stronger as I am struggling to breathe more and more. This has really got to stop. I need to get healthy for a while. The damp, moldy, cedar laden air isn't helping things. The beach is sounding better and better...

Today is Monday (in case you weren't aware) and so I should be doing a wonderful, inspiring Gratitude Monday post. Today though I would like to just highlight a few people I am so very grateful for this (and every week).
1. My main girl Kim. The more I get to know her, the more amazed I am that we are not somehow blood related.
2. Julia - who, almost every single day makes me thank God she is in my life. She is by far the most thoughtful, giving, amazingly knowledgeable and connected person I know. I don't know how I got so fortunate to be a part of her life, but some day I will figure out a way to thank her for all that she's done. I just haven't thought of anything grand enough yet!
3. A fellow photographer, Sandy - who, for no reason other than just possessing a HUGE heart and a gift for expressing it has boosted my confidence and made me feel valuable in the photography community. That means more to me than I am sure she knows.
4. my Hubby - he complimented me at least twice this week on my cooking, and it was something I really needed. To get such praise from him is like being handed a most precious treasure.
I am so very, very blessed.
D :)
Friday, February 05, 2010
Warm Me Up

Happy Friday Company Girls!
Sorry I skipped out on you last week. Friday got away from me and I just completely forgot about blogging.
How are you? Until about an hour ago, it has been a cold, rainy, dreary mess for the past few days. I am so tired of the dark and damp and cold - blech. I am ready to move back to Arizona! Thankfully the sun just peeked it's head out from behind the clouds. I hope it stays out long enough to dry us out a little. The weather man keeps talking about some arctic blast that is coming in next week, but I see little indication of that on Thank goodness! I don't know how much more I can take of the cold. I am ready for spring!!!
I planted some seed in my garden last week and the day after we got a huge rain storm complete with buckets of hail. I am fairly certain everything I planted got washed out, but we will see. If it dries up some I may go plant more seed on top of what I already planted, just to insure something grows! My mom sent me a $50 gift card to an online gardener's site - I am so excited to get the fertilizer, compost and row covers I ordered. Thanks Mom!!
The bees are starting to come back, despite the cold. We have a terrible problem with honey bees at my house. I don't know where their hive is, but it has got to be close because every time I open the back door I have to deal with them coming in. It's funny because I don't really see them much in the yard or even in the garden, but that back door has some sort of draw for them because most days, if the door is open for any length of time while the boys are outside, I have to kill at least 5 or 6 bees. Last week, little Port got stung on his finger when he found one in the living room on the rug. Poor guy! The boys were arguing and I thought at first that Kiddo had done something to him. He came running to me holding his hand; and I was screaming at Kiddo to tell me what he had done. Out of the corner of my eye I saw the bee dead on the floor (thank goodness for a white rug for once!). I opened up Port's hand and sure enough there was the stinger in his little index finger. Thankfully I was able (and brave enough) to pull it out really fast. I gave him a dose of benadryl just in case (we have a family history of bee allergies) and watched him close for a while. He was fine after about 2 minutes, but he licked and sucked on his finger all day. It swelled up pretty good, but by the next day it was fine.
I felt so bad about it. Usually the hair on the back of my neck stands right up when one flies into the room (I am terrified of them). But I guess this one snuck by me. How it ended up on the floor where Port could pick it up I will never know. I am just thankful we can mark that off the allergy list for him.
Beyond all that, I am working hard at my business - getting some marketing materials done and some new programs set in place. This week I hope to release my spring specials and some fun stuff I am doing with that. Right now my focus is newborns and Austin area high school juniors and seniors.
And, if you listen to our Musing Mommies podcast, we are having a very exciting giveaway right now!! A beautiful necklace is the prize. Click on over there if you are interested; we would love to have you for a visit. :)
I hope you all have a glorious weekend. May the clouds depart, the sun rise and it's rays warm your soul. I know I will be soaking it up when and where I can.
D :)
Coffee Talk,
Thursday, February 04, 2010
Stubborn Kind of Fellow
It feels like it has been ages since I last posted. In reality, it's been a little over a week, and Lord knows I have gone longer than that before, but for some reason it just seems like it's been forever.
Anyway, I think I am in one of those positions in which I have SO MUCH to write about that I am completely paralyzed and don't know where to start.
My little Port...he has entered into a wonderful, hilarious, amazing stage in his development. He is just the most fascinating little guy - full of personality and quirkiness. At 22 months old, he is already quite the character. The boy, for the most part, knows exactly what he wants. He is so darn particular, it is to the point that much of the time I have to really dip into my patience reserves just to get through the day with him. He is very independent all of a sudden, and he has to do everything that everyone else does. It's not so much about doing things himself, like the phase that most kids go through. He will let me do things for him most of the time - things he knows he can't do yet, like putting on socks and shoes. He will go and get them, bring them to me, the turn around and back up the truck to sit in my lap. Sometimes he will try to put a sock on by himself or he will pull out the velcro from his shoes for me, but otherwise he is cool with letting me put them on for him. However, when he is pretty particular about something, he can be very stubborn and obnoxious about it.
For example, his big thing right now is getting in and out of the car by himself and walking everywhere. He does NOT like to sit in the shopping cart at the store any more, with the only exception being the race car carts at HEB (thank goodness!). So whenever I go to Walmart or any other place, he insists on walking and/or pushing the cart. I am sure we look ridiculous with Kiddo (5yrs) actually in the cart and the baby pushing it around the store. I have to put Kiddo in the cart now because I just don't trust myself to be able to look after both of them running loose at the same time. And Port doesn't take no for an answer either. If I even try to put him in the cart when he doesn't want to be there, he screams bloody murder the entire time. I can tolerate a lot too - I can tolerate a fit and crying and just be that mom that ignores it most of the time, but Port has a serious set of lungs on himself and he is also extremely strong! The boy will arch his back and muscle his way out of my arms or the cart and scream the entire time he's doing it.
He is sooooo different from Kiddo. When Kiddo was that age, he never complained about being in the cart. And if he did, I could just ignore him and soon enough he would give up. I had a very strict no walking in the store policy back then - man, that kid was so easy!
But Port, my baby boy, he is the complete opposite. He is stubborn as a mule and he does NOT let things go! If he gets mad about something, he will scream until he either gets his way or something near it. Even when we are at the house - if he sets his heart on something and doesn't get it, I can guarantee I will have to listen to him scream and cry about it most of the afternoon. I have put him in time out a couple of times, and after 2 minutes will come in to rescue him. He will calm down when I pick him up, we can cuddle on the couch, and laugh and play and then just when I think everything is alright he will get down off the couch go right back to the area of the fit and start screaming all over again!
When we come home from running errands, I now have to leave the boys in the car, go unlock the door by myself and then come back to get them out. If I get them out first, Port insists on taking my keys (and they have to be mine, I have tried giving him his own set of real keys) and trying to unlock the door himself. Then it is a huge struggle because he can't do it, and he will not relinquish the keys. Even when I unlock the door first, I still have to give him the keys so he can run up to the door and "unlock" it. He can't even reach the lock - he can barely touch the tip of the key to the edge of the keyhole, but he has to do it every time or there is a HUGE fit. Then, like a gentleman, he lets us in the house and he closes the door. He will then happily hand over my keys so I can hang them on the hook.
Mr. Particular knows where his plastic forks and spoons are in the utensil drawer, and he will pull them out when he needs one. If he decides he doesn't need it, instead of dropping it on the floor or abandoning it somewhere like a normal kid, he will put it back in the drawer, right where it goes and then shut the drawer. And heaven forbid I don't shut a door, drawer or cabinet all the way. He will come in behind me, reopen whatever it is and shut it for me. He does not like for drawers and doors to be ajar - something about it drives him nuts. He is constantly checking to make sure the dishwasher is closed all the way too.
He is obsessed with my make up and lotion. When I am putting it on, he has to have his own eye shadow compact and he will open it, run the brush over the powder and wipe it on his cheek. He then puts the brush back in , closes the compact and starts over. With the lotion, he will walk around the house with a bottle tucked under his arm. He opens the cap, touches the hole with the tip of his finger, then wipes it on his cheek. He closes the cap, then reopens it to start the whole process again.
He is still not really saying much that is clear enough to understand, but he talks ALL THE TIME. He will even come up to me when I am sitting on the floor or the couch, put his hand
on my shoulder and turn me towards him. Then he will lean over so his face is in front of mine and, still holding my shoulder, will say some long drawn out thought with all this inflection and expression, and wait for me to respond appropriately. It is hilarious! And, if he says something to me and I don't respond the way he expects me to (cuz uh, I have no clue what he is saying), he will put his chin to his chest, close his eyes and shake his head no; as if he is embarrassed or disappointed. He is such a stinker.
Because of his need for control though, sometimes I can use it in my favor to make things run more smoothly. In the past, at bedtime I would pick him up, take him in his room, change his diaper and put on his jammies. Then I would carry him around the house to say goodnight to everyone. It was always a big ordeal; screaming fits, kicking and hitting - and many times I had to have Hubby hold him while I was changing his clothes or else I wouldn't be able to get them on him. But a couple of weeks ago I decided to try a different approach and when bed time came along I just said to him "ok it's bed time, let's go get your diaper and jammies." and surprisingly he voluntarily went into the room without protest. He let me change his clothes and when finished, I put him down and told him to go tell everyone goodnight. Not only did he willingly do it, but most nights he will go right up to Hubby and say "nigh nigh daddy!". Then he runs to his crib and waits for me. I let him help me turn out the light, we say a prayer and he willingly goes in the crib. He now talks to himself for a while before going to sleep. It is such a turnaround from the screaming fit before and the 10-15 minutes of screaming afterward. So for the most part, bedtime is much easier now.
As for nap time, well that is another story. Naps are kind of hit and miss these days.
He has the most adorable expressions - I so wish I knew what was running through his head sometimes. He has a definite mischievous look that he gets when he is doing something ornery. And I so wish I could video record him right now, but every time I take out the camera he has a fit wanting it. *sigh* Maybe I can sneak something with my dslr.
But first I have to stop taking stills of him.
It's going to be difficult.
D :)
Anyway, I think I am in one of those positions in which I have SO MUCH to write about that I am completely paralyzed and don't know where to start.

For example, his big thing right now is getting in and out of the car by himself and walking everywhere. He does NOT like to sit in the shopping cart at the store any more, with the only exception being the race car carts at HEB (thank goodness!). So whenever I go to Walmart or any other place, he insists on walking and/or pushing the cart. I am sure we look ridiculous with Kiddo (5yrs) actually in the cart and the baby pushing it around the store. I have to put Kiddo in the cart now because I just don't trust myself to be able to look after both of them running loose at the same time. And Port doesn't take no for an answer either. If I even try to put him in the cart when he doesn't want to be there, he screams bloody murder the entire time. I can tolerate a lot too - I can tolerate a fit and crying and just be that mom that ignores it most of the time, but Port has a serious set of lungs on himself and he is also extremely strong! The boy will arch his back and muscle his way out of my arms or the cart and scream the entire time he's doing it.
He is sooooo different from Kiddo. When Kiddo was that age, he never complained about being in the cart. And if he did, I could just ignore him and soon enough he would give up. I had a very strict no walking in the store policy back then - man, that kid was so easy!

When we come home from running errands, I now have to leave the boys in the car, go unlock the door by myself and then come back to get them out. If I get them out first, Port insists on taking my keys (and they have to be mine, I have tried giving him his own set of real keys) and trying to unlock the door himself. Then it is a huge struggle because he can't do it, and he will not relinquish the keys. Even when I unlock the door first, I still have to give him the keys so he can run up to the door and "unlock" it. He can't even reach the lock - he can barely touch the tip of the key to the edge of the keyhole, but he has to do it every time or there is a HUGE fit. Then, like a gentleman, he lets us in the house and he closes the door. He will then happily hand over my keys so I can hang them on the hook.
Mr. Particular knows where his plastic forks and spoons are in the utensil drawer, and he will pull them out when he needs one. If he decides he doesn't need it, instead of dropping it on the floor or abandoning it somewhere like a normal kid, he will put it back in the drawer, right where it goes and then shut the drawer. And heaven forbid I don't shut a door, drawer or cabinet all the way. He will come in behind me, reopen whatever it is and shut it for me. He does not like for drawers and doors to be ajar - something about it drives him nuts. He is constantly checking to make sure the dishwasher is closed all the way too.

He is still not really saying much that is clear enough to understand, but he talks ALL THE TIME. He will even come up to me when I am sitting on the floor or the couch, put his hand
on my shoulder and turn me towards him. Then he will lean over so his face is in front of mine and, still holding my shoulder, will say some long drawn out thought with all this inflection and expression, and wait for me to respond appropriately. It is hilarious! And, if he says something to me and I don't respond the way he expects me to (cuz uh, I have no clue what he is saying), he will put his chin to his chest, close his eyes and shake his head no; as if he is embarrassed or disappointed. He is such a stinker.
Because of his need for control though, sometimes I can use it in my favor to make things run more smoothly. In the past, at bedtime I would pick him up, take him in his room, change his diaper and put on his jammies. Then I would carry him around the house to say goodnight to everyone. It was always a big ordeal; screaming fits, kicking and hitting - and many times I had to have Hubby hold him while I was changing his clothes or else I wouldn't be able to get them on him. But a couple of weeks ago I decided to try a different approach and when bed time came along I just said to him "ok it's bed time, let's go get your diaper and jammies." and surprisingly he voluntarily went into the room without protest. He let me change his clothes and when finished, I put him down and told him to go tell everyone goodnight. Not only did he willingly do it, but most nights he will go right up to Hubby and say "nigh nigh daddy!". Then he runs to his crib and waits for me. I let him help me turn out the light, we say a prayer and he willingly goes in the crib. He now talks to himself for a while before going to sleep. It is such a turnaround from the screaming fit before and the 10-15 minutes of screaming afterward. So for the most part, bedtime is much easier now.
As for nap time, well that is another story. Naps are kind of hit and miss these days.
He has the most adorable expressions - I so wish I knew what was running through his head sometimes. He has a definite mischievous look that he gets when he is doing something ornery. And I so wish I could video record him right now, but every time I take out the camera he has a fit wanting it. *sigh* Maybe I can sneak something with my dslr.

It's going to be difficult.
D :)
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