So, if any of you want in on the contest, you have until Wednesday to sign up. That's right - tomorrow! Hurry, time is running out.
In other news, we had a potty breakthrough last night. For some unknown reason, Kiddo decided he wanted to be nekkid. Since it was a bit of a warm night, I allowed him to do so for a while, with the stern warning that if he needed to do something, he better tell me or I was going to put a diaper back on him. So, as it goes, I found him dancing twice and took him to the potty. Then he proceeded to pee all over the floor while mindlessly playing with cars (thankfully it was on the tile, but where is all this liquid coming from?!?). Once we were about ready to go to bed, he came to me and asked to go sit on the potty. I asked him if he needed to T or P and he said P. Hubby and I were thinking, yeah right - but wouldn't you know he did just that?!? I was so excited that he not only knew exactly what he needed to do, but he told me clearly and he told me before he had an accident! woo hoo!! Ahh the things that get mommies excited...
So, I totally forgot to do a PMS TOTM last month. Now, normally I like to bake my own PMS sins, but this month Hubby and I had a hankerin' for a store bought goodie. The local grocer, HEB, produces a wonderful Chocolate Creme Cake that will make your toes curl. Just make sure to pop it in the microwave for about 10 seconds and then sit back for a gooey, chocolaty delight! Here's a pic I snapped just before we finished it off...
It really is YUMMY!
Today was a day of critters. Thanks to the rain we've had these past couple of weeks, Texas mosquitoes are already out. Gah! I HATE those things! Poor Kiddo looks like he has the chicken pox because his little legs are so chewed up. Even the insect repellents don't work for him. I guess he's just too sweet! ;)
I was headed out back to take a pic of my tomato plants when I came across this little guy.
He was high-tailing it into the house so I moved him over to the deck railing. Before I had my lens cap off he was across the rail and crawling up the side of the house! Kiddo was screaming "Caterpillar come here, COME HERE!" and patting his leg. It was pretty cute.
Then I sat down again to attempt to photograph my tomato plant, and this "lady" plopped right on my leg. He was not too eager to go - and even when I nudged him off my pants, he flew right back to the same spot. I guess he liked the contrast in color!
Finally though, I was able to get in a shot or two of my plants. I already have two tiny 'maters growing! Kiddo doesn't quite get what's going on yet, but he has really enjoyed helping me water every day. The poor plants are going to drown!
Do you see them? Hopefully the birds will leave them alone.
Well, I am off to bed now. I've been working on this post all day. *yawn* Good nite!
D :)
Love the bug shots!
Thanks for shout-out...I'll be praying one of us wins...what state do you live in again? :)
I love the bug pictures. Who thought bugs could look so cute?
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