Monday, March 03, 2008


My apologies to the ladies in the adjoining stalls in the women's restroom at HEB today who had the privilege of overhearing the following conversation...

Kiddo: "Mommy, I wanna talk about somphing."
Me: "What's that baby?"
Kiddo: " I wanna talk about Jesus."
Me: "Ok, what do you want to talk about?"
Kiddo: "Jesus"
Me: "I know, but what about Him?"
Kiddo: "He loves me. Jesus loves me."
Me: "That's right baby, He does."
Kiddo: "Let's say a prayer."
[giggles from a different stall]
Me: "Uh, ok, what are we praying about?"
Kiddo: "Close you eyes mommy."
Me: "ok" [closing eyes]
Kiddo: "Dear God, thank you for Jesus. And He loves me. And we are going potty, but we are taking turns. I go first. Now mommy is going potty. Thank you. We love you berry, berry much. And we pray all dis in Jesus name, Amen."
[many giggles and snickers from adjoining stalls]

*sigh* :)

D :)


Julia said...

If I had been in one of the stalls, I would have been laughing outright because that's about the darndest cute conversation. The things that kids say!

Jennifer said...

That is too awesome! How cute!