"I just hate having a supermodel sister" - darn, you must be deprived. I mean with all the perks that come with knowing someone famous, wow, those busy nights of yours must be awful.
"Child ate glass shards, what to do" - well my friend, I am sorry. You could call poison control and let them laugh at you, you could read my blog entry here, or you could go to the ER. I recommend the third choice, just to be safe.
"Mr. Brilliant Spanish" - ahh, so you've encountered Mr. Brilliant too?! You know he also knows French!
"Very Strange Shy" - yes sir, you have come to the right place!
"Funny Moments in Black Churches" - umm, huh?
"Migraine salt craving" - ok, not sure about this one. When I was pg I did crave salt, and I did have migraines, but I am not sure they were connected. Hope you found what you were looking for.
And now for the worst one yet,
"Gigantic pregnant women"
um, well...
What exactly is Google trying to say by directing that inquiry here? I wasn't gigantic, was I?
Was I??!?I'm sorry, I can't hear you. Was I gigantic?
Hmm?? Pardon?? Well, was I?!?I didn't think so. Google got it wrong I guess. ;)
Have a good weekend!
D :)
Isn't it kind of strange and amazing to look back at those shots?
Yes, it is most definitely weird. I honestly can't remember what that was like. The pictures look fake to me.
Actually, I can't believe I even posted those. In the second one I look AWFUL!
On hating a supermodel sister, maybe she's not as skinny. Or pretty. Maybe her parents and friends belittle her. Maybe her sister doesn't even give her the time of day.
Famous people are useless when your own family doesn't even like you.
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