Sunday, March 11, 2007

Face(s) of Love

Just some recent pictures -
The other day Kiddo carried around his little red chair in the yard looking for new and interesting places to sit.

Mommy, lookit de cwouds!

I guess it is easier and more convenient to carry a chair already semi-attached to your bottom!

Mommy, lookit Ty-wer! (the dog)

Snooping on the neighbor's dogs.

Isn't he HANDSOME!?!! :)

Here's another handsome dude.

I think this is his "come hither" look, but he could just be infatuated with the swing set - who knows!?!

Swinging with Daddy.

And in all fairness (since the dog was featured) I must show our other family member...

She's so pretty!! I love her eyes.

Thanks for looking!
D :)

1 comment:

OhTheJoys said...

Love the hubs at the swings!