Thursday, March 29, 2007

Let's Get Lost

Whew! I'm tired. Anyone else?

We've had an exciting week. G&H have been here and between visiting with them, my photo shoot and general day to day stuff, I am wiped out. I guess I really, really don't do much from day to day.

A day like yesterday is enough to knock me out for a couple of weeks. I did a photo shoot in the morning - we had 3 adults and 3 little ones all in on the fun. We chased ducks and squirrels and played in the bluebonnets. The kiddos were so good through it all; they put up with me in their way, in their face and running all around them. I am actually sore this morning from all the squatting and rolling around on the ground that I did. When I got home I picked up Kiddo from my neighbor's friend's house, where he played all morning with a couple of cuties just his age. They ran all over the place. We had a quick lunch and then Kiddo went back to the neighbor for more playtime while I worked on computer stuff and took a much needed shower. Then I joined Kiddo at the neighbors' until G&H picked us up for dinner. We had a nice time at The Oasis then drove around for a while looking at fancy houses in the area. When we got home we caught the elimination show for AI, and as soon as the grandparents took off I left to join some mommas for a much needed coffee at Starbucks. Shew! What a day!

Artsy-Fartsy shot of Kiddo walking out of the restaurant with his Happy

Kiddo had a blast visiting with G&H on Tuesday. They are working on clearing some property they bought out here and so they are in possession of Kiddo's new favorite obsession of the moment...


Of course I had to document the occasion... Oh no Happy, don't start it up, that's scary!

Let me just use my imagination...

And then I get "the look"...
Mommy, would you PLEASE stop taking pictures!!! I'm try-ing to drive a very complicated piece of machinery here. You are in the way -

Now start making some motor noises like everyone else.

The Kid absolutely LOVED it! He sat on that tractor for hours. Off and on all afternoon and evening; and when I finally pulled him off of it and took him home, he screamed and cried and fussed about it until he fell asleep that night and then all the next day as well. Now his request is no longer "Go see Grammy Happy?!" but "Go see Grammy Happy and TRACTOR?!? TRACTOR?!? TRACTOOOORRRRRR?!!!!!!"

So today the switcheroo begins. G&H are going home and Nana and Big Daddy are driving in for a few days. I've got to put the house in order and get things ready. I've got to get Kiddo out of G&H mode and into Nana & Big Daddy mode. That will take some doing because he doesn't see them near as often.

I will update you all on how that goes, but now I must leave you to take a shower and get some things done. I also need to start proofing the shoot I did yesterday. Have a good day!

D :)

ETA: sorry to those of you with bloglines type programs - Blogger is all freaked out today and I have edited this post a zillion times because of it! :(


Cindy said...

Those are great pictures!! I especially love the last one of Kiddo:) What a look you got!!

OhTheJoys said...

Great shots! I hope the weekends is as good.