Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Eleven

With all the hullabaloo with birthdays and whatnot last week, I totally missed mentioning that my little Port turned 11 months old! I really just can't believe it. I also failed to mention that yesterday was my dad's birthday. Happy Birthday Daddy!! Your card, uh, got mailed, uh....today. Sorry.

Anyway, Port is 11 months old!! Here he is at a play date last week.
He is doing great! He walking a little more and more each day, and now I am catching him walking when he is by himself. He is developing quite the little personality of course. He is so much more aware of things and he also has begun anticipating things too. He knows when bed time is rolling around - will even take me to the bathroom for his nightly bath. When the bath is over, he starts fussing and getting sad because he knows I am about to put him in his jammies and tell him goodnight. He always calms down during our quiet time, but will often look at me and crinkle his little eye brows and whine because he remembers that our time together for the day is almost over. It breaks my heart every time. The look, my God the look he gets on his face! It's sad and pleading and pitiful...ugh.
He absolutely loves his daddy. Every day when Hubby comes home he crawls from where ever he is and goes straight for Hubby. He has this sweet little noise he makes only for him, and most of the time when Hubby enters the room Port will greet him with a "heyyyy!" lol
He is eating a lot better now. He's still not a fan of veggies, but I am able to get a bigger of variety of fruits in him. He pretty much is running on cheese and chicken right now though. We are working on it. I just keep putting it on his tray and thankfully he keeps trying it, making a face and throwing it on the floor. Every now and then he decides he likes something new. Recently it's been pears, grapes, .......oh and there was more but I am suddenly drawing a blank.

He loves music, and much prefers the toys that light up and make noise (oh my aching head!). When he dances, he is a toe tapper - Kiddo was a booty shaker, Port taps one toe and also does these weird little Elvis moves. He's all about wiggling the legs!

It is so amazing to me that people still think Port and Kiddo look alike. Every day I think they look more and more different; Kiddo a copy of me and my dad and Port an almost exact replica of his daddy. I found Hubby's baby book the other day and could not believe how similar Port and Hubby look. Hubby just has a much larger forehead. tee hee! So just for comparison, here are a couple of pictures of Kiddo at 11 months...

Kiddo -
Port - Kiddo -
He was a baldy until he was almost 2. Look at those thighs!!!! eeeee!!
Port - his legs are not as chubby, but I don't have a pic of them. They have a similar expression though...
So, I see how they are definitely related, but I really don't think they look much alike.

Feel free to leave me a comment and let me know what you think!

D :)


Jill said...

Well as the mom of your darlings I could see how YOU think they don't look a lot alike but I think they totally do. Especially when I compare them to my 2 which don't seem to have any similar features. Mine don't really look related to each other except they are both fair. So interesting how characteristics decide to show up or not!!

Julia said...

When you put the pictures next to each other, then I say that you're right. The boys do look different, but there is a strong resemblance (right now anyway) that they are clearly brothers. What cuties!

Unknown said...

yes they do look different, you are right, but I still see Kiddo in Port.
I guess that would be hard to get away from since they are brothers.

Jennifer said...

Oh ya, I agree. You can tell they are brothers, but don't really look totally alike. I feel the same way about my girls!

TitanKT said...

Definitely different, although similar enough to be related. Both cute!