Friday, March 27, 2009

So I Thought

Happy Friday!

I have a fresh pot of coffee and some cinnamon vanilla creamer. There is also heavy cream and half and half in the fridge if that is your thing! Has everyone had a good week? Ours was pretty eventful (see the post below titled Hail, Hail). My poor kitchen is so dark now!

Anyway, have any of you experienced this? When I had my second child almost 4 years after the first, I never imagined that I would pretty much have to have 2 of everything in order to keep the peace around here. It is amazing to me that two boys 4 years apart can fight over so much! Port wants everything his brother has, and Kiddo is not always keen on sharing or worse, giving up what he has for the sake of our sanity. I could understand if they were twins, or even if they were closer in age, but gracious it is so hard to keep everyone happy right now.

It has gotten even more difficult now that Port is walking pretty much exclusively. He gets to Kiddo much quicker and tries to take everything away from him. If Kiddo is playing a video game, Port wants the controller. We even have a couple of those and most of the time even if I give him one, he gets mad because he wants the one Kiddo has. *sigh*

So Port's 1st birthday is next Friday - I am so unprepared. I still have no clue what we are going to do for him. The family is all coming in. I am trying to keep things very small (re: CHEAP). He won't really know what is going on anyway. Right?

It looks like we are going to get yet another storm today. I am praying for no more hail, but 'tis the season in this part of Texas so I am not going to hold my breath. I just hope the tarp over the skylight holds...

So a few weeks ago I mentioned I had a new adventure coming my way. Well, I am pleased to report that things are in motion! I would like to introduce you to my first ever Podcast!! (For those of you that are unfamiliar with Podcasts, they are just like radio talk shows except they are hosted on the internet)

{Logo Design and Tag Line are still a work in progress!}

Our show is called Musing Mommies, and it is a show about all things related to motherhood. Most of the shows will have a specific topic or two that we talk about, some product reviews, tips and tricks, and a little bit of current events (fun stuff) and maybe some local happenings. Our first show is more of a "getting to know" us kind of thing, so there's not much content there, but it was fun nonetheless. Anyway, I would love some feedback if you have the time - you can give us a listen here. Please keep in mind that it was our very first time, and things will get better. I am working on some of the technical stuff (getting a better mic for me so I don't sound like I am talking into a tin cup) and we had a great meeting last night where we worked out a lot of the kinks. I am confident next week's show will be much improved! If you would like to comment on the show you can post here, or you can send us an email at musingmommies AT gmail DOT com.

Well, I am off to finish our taxes and put my camera batteries on the charger. I am shooting an Art show at our church tonight and doing a client session in the morning. Hopefully next week I can share some art show images with you! Thanks so much for stopping by. Though I may not always comment, I do visit every single blog on Mr. Linky every week. I so enjoy our time together!

D :)


Julia said...

That's so cool that you're podcasting. I intended to do this a couple of years back, but I never took the time to actually sit down and make one. Good luck! Hope it takes off!

secondofwett said...

When my second grandaughter declared she wanted a pink plate just like her big sister...well, what was a nana to do but go off to Ikea and buy a whole other set just so she could have a pink plate too! I know what you're talking about!

Mommahen said...

Podcasting--HOW EXCITING! My two oldest are two and a half years apart. We went through the two of everything phase--wait we're still in it. Mark is now 13 and Matthew is now 10. PLUS we have baby brother Noah who is almost 7 and thinks he needs the stuff too. It's easier to tell him no now though because he gets hand me downs from bubbas. Hope Port's 1st birthday is a great one with lots of lifetime memories. Thanks for the coffee.

Reese said...

Oh I want to see the podcast. I'll have to come back after the kids are in bed.
I fear your hail is headed in our direction.

Cheryl said...

Congratulations on your podcasting - that is very impressive! My kids are much older, but to have something like that when we were in the midst of days with hail and poop, it would have been nice to have a resource like that. It will be a blessing to many!

Joyce said...

Have fun with the podcasting and shooting the art show. Happy early bday to Port! That's so exciting. I'm sure he'll have fun whatever you have planned.

Kara @ Just1Step said...

That's so exciting that you have a Podcast!! I hope it goes well!! I will have to listen...when I'm actually a mom...and I don't know when that's going to happen we'll see. :) Either way, I'm excited for you. :)

I'm reading Company Girls a little late this week...sorry!