Ahem, anyway it was fun watching him yesterday, though I was a bit irritated that I couldn't leave him alone there for even a second and I hadn't really prepared for that. So, as usual, I occupied myself with taking pictures.

I did get this Cutie Patootie grin though. Gawrsh he makes me smile. Anyway, the pool has this goofy little built in slide thingy, and unfortunately, nothing to hold on to and so my poor Kiddo fell out of the pool a few times. It never really bothered him, and in typical little boy fashion he would just get right back in, but the last time he slipped and landed on his face. I was waiting for him to pick himself up and he started crying a bit so I walked over and picked him up. He had his hand over his mouth and it was full of blood. My heart just stopped. I scooped him up and ran into the house with him bleeding everywhere (just like his daddy, this boy!). After a quick wipe down/clean up it was obvious he had just given himself a bloody nose, but lawsy mercy I had visions of ERs and stitches and I just don't have the nerves for that kind of thing. I was a nervous wreck for about an hour afterwards. He, of course, was totally fine and back in the pool within about 3 minutes.
And later that evening at 7PM he promptly passed out asleep. We could not get him to get up for supper and he slept until 8AM the next morning.
We should swim everyday! ;)
I was editing pictures for this post and came across this one from his first pool experience.
What grabbed me about it is how strikingly similar it is to one of my favorites from yesterday...
D :)