Sunday, November 11, 2007

Leave the Lights On

Here I am, third night in a row posting at almost midnight.

Well, I have had a wonderful weekend! I went to Dallas to visit with some friends and do a couple of photo shoots and all in all it was a nice getaway. Kiddo and Hubby had a bit of a boy's weekend; they hung out together and on Saturday night they actually had a weenie roast and camped out in a tent in the back yard.

I truly enjoyed my time away. I was finally able to meet my friend's absolutely gorgeous twins and for a little while it was nice to not be "the mommy".

But I have to say, seeing my Kiddo's face when I got home was such an awesome sight. He had just woken up and was so sweet and cute for all of about 5 minutes when he suddenly passed out again in my lap. Apparently, boy's weekends are pretty tiring!

So, once I collect my thoughts I will post more about the goings on of the past few days, and hopefully will be able to share some pictures as well.

D :)

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